What “TV app” is this exactly? I’ve never seen or heard of that before, and none of my google/android TVs or dongles have anything like that.
Also what make and model TV is this?
What “TV app” is this exactly? I’ve never seen or heard of that before, and none of my google/android TVs or dongles have anything like that.
Also what make and model TV is this?
By “default app” I assume you mean the launcher. Just google for “android tv launcher”.
If by “plain satellite TV” mean using one of the input sources on the TV (like HDMI, component, RF etc.)… this is unrelated to the launcher and would still work regardless of which one you used.
Sadly, hindsight makes everyone look guilty.
You mean the coward who sent fundraising messages while hiding inside the Capitol on Jan 6?
I disagree, there are many resources for making and distributing android reproducible builds, including third-party F-Droid repos like IzzyOnDroid mentioned in my previous link.
And to my knowledge there is no technical requirement that F-Droid actually needs to build OR sign packages on behalf of anyone… I haven’t seen any actual official rationale listed for it, but I assume one of the main reasons is convenience for the developers so they don’t have to provide their own builds and deal with signing/losing keys.
I understand that the risk of problems can be somewhat mitigated in F-Droid by using reproducible builds, but I don’t consider that sufficient for the most privacy-conscious users because:
reproducible builds are not required by F-Droid
it is not made clear to the user that a particular package even supports reproducible builds
the verification of reproducible builds is not made plainly visible somewhere publicly if at all
a user can still easily be misled by a one-off rogue package that is NOT reproducible, due to the previous point
independent verifications of those builds reliably made by others are not common
Conversely I stay clear of F-Droid as they build and sign packages on behalf of the original developers, adding yet another point of injection for malicious code or supply chain attacks.
how do we know those aren’t just bots/propaganda?
I would rather be beautiful because then I wouldn’t realize everyone else around me is so unfathomably stupid.
if you’re beautiful you don’t need to be smart.
Wouldn’t smartness imply discipline?
how is buying drugs reducing their suffering?
And never open your front door for any reason. If the cops or anyone else really needed you that bad, they’d be busting the door down anyway and you’re already fucked six ways to Sunday.
Also cameras. Lots of them. Different brands. Offline recording. INSIDE AND OUT. Ask me how I know.
you can’t know that
go against their spirit
I think this is more of a failure of the license itself. It’s not a good look to allow something explicitly and then go “no not like that!”
For professionals used to Photoshop, yes it is that bad. People want what’s familiar because they’re used to it and they’re busy or lazy. They don’t want to learn something new.
If GIMP wanted to increase their userbase by a million overnight, they would make it look more like Photoshop.
The problem is they and many current users are huge FOSS zealots and see this kind of thing akin to selling your soul to the devil.
except gaia is one of the largest forums on earth.
they have more subscribers than Apple TV+
I think if syncing of (at least) upstream histories between clones was done automatically, they might consider that more in-line with their definition of decentralized.
Also kudos to both of you for communicating your differences properly without resorting to arguments.
I feel like so much of the arguing and trolling nowadays is simply due to a difference in subjective definitions and people not being able to calmly communicate that with each other.
By satellite do you mean like a dish physically plugged in with a cable? I wasn’t aware of any “app” used for that on any TV… I just switch the input with the remote to like HDMI/component/RF/etc. and the normal android tv interface goes away completely.