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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • Changing the Duolingo icon to look sad, old, and wrinkled is a strategy to make users curious, so they open the app to see if there are new updates or content. In other words, Duo is only trying to get your attention.

    This tactic is rooted in the psychological effect known as the “novelty effect,” where new stimuli can temporarily increase engagement and motivation. Snapchat similarly employs this strategy with the red dot and yellow dot on the Bitmoji.

  • What are you doing right now, why are you doing it and what do you want to do?

    You seem similar to me. If you look 5 years into the future, what are the things you will want to have achieved since then?

    People like us always find small tasks and achievements but they often dont matter. We may pile up tasks and todos for things we dont need.

    Remove everything from your life that you dont need. And then everything that you wouldnt take with you, if it was a kinda urgent situation. You will feel free and do just what you really need.

    At the same time, doing silly things is called a “hobby” and can be satisfying. Maybe ask yourself “is this pleasure or distraction?”

    For finding people, I never succeeded with online dating too, but often just in situations where similar people meet, randomly. Dating on purpose is not natural and I think I would be uncomfortable meeting so many new people with that intention.