Can you imagine being that guy’s partner, on the internet, reliving your trauma in joke/meme format and now you’re a baked ham
Can you imagine being that guy’s partner, on the internet, reliving your trauma in joke/meme format and now you’re a baked ham
Ok, yeah. This is my favorite one. Love it
I feel like Sailor Moon is becoming the unofficial Lemmy mascot
Hey, you got it to work this time. She’s not on a desktop
Hey, I used “wherewithal” the way you use the word, but my husband corrected me (and the dictionary confirmed it) that the word basically means money/resources (just fyi)
Only thing imma disagree on is that we’ve ever reached peak human
That’s for him to know, us to guess, and his partners to find out
I’d think the reason for foot protection in a hospital setting is more to protect you from their illnesses, or drop damage (say, a needle or other sharp object)
I suppose I must confess. I’ve worked in dental, so I’m familair with sterilization proceedures/ ppe. I remember learning to wear hard shoes (hardly any one does in reality) to avoid what I mentioned above
It’s strange that employees would be barefoot, but I still don’t really see how feet are any more dangerous than any other part of the body, especially given that they’re surely not handling the materials with their feet!
I can accept that I’m wrong, it just seems strange to highlight the bare feet as a primary issue unless somehow the bacteria in the drops are a type most often found on feet
Why would someone eat your armpi… oh
And now I’m imaging them all in a bus, driving upward from someone’s toes, with a bumper sticker that says:
“Destination: EyeDrops”
I see. I figuered as long as they’d wear hair nets, masks, coats and gloves it shouldn’t matter what’s going on with their feet- but I suppose that could make sense? Idk, It still feels like a strange thing to be fixated on…
I didn’t read the article, though
I don’t really see how people chosing to be barefoot has anything to do with their ability to make eye-drops, unless the aforementioned people are using their feet to do it
Gotcha. Lessee. My husband is part Korean, part various Hispanic, and I’m mostly white (born in South Africa so I have a spattering of various ethnicities given that my ancestors were sailors to some degree).
Husband (who also has a strong, white, preference) says that generally women tend to want to stay in their ethnic group, while men are more likely to want someone outside their ethnic group. I’m not certain on the validity of that, since where I live there is a whole lot of variation in couples.
Either way, that might be adding to your challenges! It also depends on your area. Where I live there are plenty of mixed couples, but if you’re in a state where people tend to stay within their ethnic groups that’s gonna be a lot harder
Finding someone who has your exact beliefs is also extremely difficult. I never would have guessed I would marry someone like my husband. He leans conservative, while I lean liberal (for example).
But what I meant is: if you like a sporty woman, going to the gym is where you might find one. If you like an artsy woman, take a random art class at a community College. If you like an out-going woman, you’ll want to check your area for “fun things to do”. If what you want is an introvert who plays DnD, then try to find a DnD group. Try to figure out what interests the women you want will have- and then go there.
Keep in mind this will take time. You have to be friends with them first (for long term relationships) and then work your way into their hearts/minds/panties from there.
And side note, you could easily be friend zoned. But, with luck, she might have a single friend who she’d think you’d be perfect with :)
You lack rizz, my friend. I wish I could lend you some of mine, because I have more than I need (when I chose to use it)
Yes, losing weight would help but it isn’t everything.
Hmm. My husband is pretty dull in most aspects, but he was doing climbing when we started dating. I thought that was cool. I also happen to like games, as does he- so we bonded over our mutual appreciation for gaming. He also spent a great deal of time in school (he’s a mechanical engineer) and though I probably shouldn’t tell you this he was a virgin until he was in his 30’s. If he can find someone, you can too
I think your best bet is to start trying out different hobbies, especially physical ones (not suggesting climbing, but try hiking? I don’t know where you are, but Meet-up is a good way to meet people and hiking seems to be a common thing around where I live)
If you need dating advice you can ask me. I’m about to be 40, but I did quite a bit of it in my 20’s and 30’s before I settled down. If you land dates I might be able to help you get specific women’s attention
What’s your type (if you have one) and I mean less about how they look and more about how they act (figuring out what motivates them will be a big step forward in being able to date them)
Whichever is the lesser of the evils. It seems that’s been the majority of our choices lately.
To be clear I’m all for the people: whoever will create the least amount of suffering, and retain the greatest amount of human rights. It feels like we’ve stopped making progress and the best we can do for now is cling desperately to what we still have
So… not republican. Obviously.
Interesting. All of my cats have had their own unique personalities. I did have one that was like the one you mentioned above, but he didn’t live long. Almost all of my cats have been indoors only for that reason
How over-weight is over-weight? How old are the women you’re trying to approach? How are you approaching them? Which career did you choose?
That’ll help in enlightening us as to the cause of your rejection
I see! As a person who is a cat person (and not a dog person) I get it. To me dogs fall under the “cute but not for me” category.
One of my cats lightly pats my eyelid when she wants me to wake up. When she wants kisses, she’ll pat my lips. If I talk to her, she meows back. She has different facial expressions, tail twitches and other body language to communicate with me. I pay attention to her, and she pays attention to me. If I’m anxious, she rubs up against me to give me love
Cats respond to their owners. You have to first learn their language before you can understand them. If they see that you can’t understand them, they will treat you accordingly
I’ve already watched it, but my husband and I are going through it again because he hasn’t seen it. We binge watch most shows, but Mr. Robot is HEAVY and it gets heavier and weirder until the end.
My advice while watching it is to detach from the characters. Accept that anyone can die at any moment, often horribly, but know that the ending is bitter-sweet and that the show is absolutely worth the watch