That, but like power wise. The h700 struggles on ps1,n64, PSP and those stuff.
You can reliably play any home system up to gen4, most arcade stuff, and handhelds up to ds.
Others can work, just inconsistent.
A perpetually sleepy bisexual with an interest in online privacy and FOSS software. I daily drive grapheneos and its brilliant
My mastodon
My simplex DMS open
That, but like power wise. The h700 struggles on ps1,n64, PSP and those stuff.
You can reliably play any home system up to gen4, most arcade stuff, and handhelds up to ds.
Others can work, just inconsistent.
Take a look at the ambernic xx line
Personally I can recommendthe 35xxsp
I agree, its a great device. PSP on it sucks tho
Oh. So my current bottleneck is power :3
Is 3ds emulation completed? My android devices can’t run some games
How much does ps4 demand? Getting a midrange gaming PC soon
Let’s just say playable
Yea. I have multiple stores of Nintendo stuff.
I haven’t trued anything yet, menu is very intimidating
I don’t use windows but I heard of retrobat. Maybe that would work?
It could be
I just need the mainline (not included in ambernic sets) guy. Up to the SNES ones.
I’ll check those sites
Oki :3
I found out how to manually do it.
You know where I can find officak boxart? Ideally horizontal.
Thanks :3
Would this also work with the ambernic stock software?
Is there anywhere where the database is shown?
Yea, I light just keep stock. I like the many emus. Just need to add Mario games.
Does the retroarch in stock do auto scraping?
Also, how do I rescan to get it to list new games?
Oki, thank you.
Will make a post in future if j can’t figure it out
Hey, sorry to bother you again but I have something else to ask about minui.
I was looking at the readme and saw that pico8 is an extra core that doesn’t come by default? How do I get that core? Is it from the os or external stuff?
Yea, I guess it’s more of a bonus if anything. I guess I’ll use minui
I tried but couldn’t find anything.No kodi or anything