Nice try… North Korea. j/k. IDK man, because I watched “The Undeclared War”. Give it a look.
Nice try… North Korea. j/k. IDK man, because I watched “The Undeclared War”. Give it a look.
Several other comments called me out for the same thing and you are right, I didn’t mean to imply that there are not domestic bad actors also.
It was not my intention to suggest there are not “domestic bad actors”. I live in America, and yes, that is a blanket term that we use to generalize countries that are antagonistic to “American values”. We have plenty of domestic bad actors. I was painting with too broad of a brush and that was my bad.
In another comment I was accused of being a brainwashed American, so take this for what it is, but some posts — mostly of a political nature — just seem to defy any mainstream thinking across the spectrum. Looking at some user profiles when I come across these, it seems their post history is entire based around fueling arguments, with no agenda, other than breed discontent.
Your point is fair and I didn’t mean to imply that bad actors are purely foreign. There are plenty of domestic bad actors. Please excuse the “propaganda framing”.
This was my subjective opinion based on the kinds of discussions and posts I see.
Thanks for your … er… um… reply? I guess? For what seems like a response to a different question than the one asked?