Folding@Home uses your computer trying to find new therapeutics by simulating protein dynamics.
Don’t get me wrong: You’re 100 % entitled to your preferences and your definition of a hobby.
It was just unusual for me to equate a hobby with putting effort and perseverance into something. For me a hobby is something you simply do for your enjoyment in your free time on a more or less regular basis.
But hey: Definitions differ.🤷
Since when is “mastering it” part of the definition of a hobby?
I get that but why is traveling not a hobby?
Whenever possible phrase a question in a way that can be answered in one word.
That’s a good one! I would also add: When asked a question, determine whether this question can be properly answered in one word. If possible do it!
This is particularly directed at my wife 💋
How is this a technical issue? Seems like your hard drive is working fine?
For me it’s toner for printers: I have a Brother laser printer at home that is not heavily used but at least once a week. I thought I’d save some money when I bought some cheap ass toner from Amazon that cost about half of what a original Brother toner costs and promised something like double the capacity.
Oh boy… I had the worst mildly infuriating two years of printing you could imagine: always disappointed of the printing quality but not THAT disappointed to replace this shitty but still at 2/3 capacity toner. I paid money for that toner so I’d squeeze every last page of shitty quality prints out of this fucking toner!
Last week I gave up and bought an original Brother toner and it’s a bliss. 🙄
If you happen to be in Germany try Gustavo Gusto frozen pizza.
This is hilarious! What a beautiful, pointless discussion! I love it! 🤣
Lego only or are you open for alternative building bricks like CADA or bluebrixx?
I found that there are nice alternatives with attractive prices. But still an expensive hobby.
I’d love to use a Pi, but have yet to find one at anything close to MSRP, so I’m eyeing different netbooks that I can run Linux on.
I don’t know if Plex supports this feature but I’m running Jellyfin on a RPi 4B and Jellyfin support live transcoding for video formats that are not natively supported by the streaming client. Although RPi 4B supports hardware encoding of h264 1080p30, it performs badly.
So if you’re using live transcoding maybe opt for hardware with more oomph.
It has been fixed for German though.
But that’s not what the, want.
What they want is a “Share”-option for an entire community I sted of only sharing posts or comments.
I think this is a very reasonable request.
@OP: are you on GitHub and can you create a feature request?