Italian style, with tomato sauce, Mozzarella, anchovy, capers and onions.
Italian style, with tomato sauce, Mozzarella, anchovy, capers and onions.
I am not an ABBA fan, but that song was and is still awesome.
Let’s not forget that the ‘R’ in HR stands for ‘Resources’.
Planescape: Torment - Bones of the Night
My son would vote for the Witherstorm theme in Minecraft.
I have worked as a lead developer for a major print shop with about 100 employees. The entire order workflow for all branches was shoehorned into one order management system that was initially hacked together for one or two users. It was built on a then already ancient OpenERP system and it had a PHP and smarty frontend for the actual order management. All was hosted on one old debian box which was a VM on a Windows server.
At some point in time, MT decided to slap a web shop onto this system, which was part of the main code base. User data were saved into the same database with plain text passwords. That was convenient for the support people: if somebody forgot their password, you could call support and they would read you your password over the phone.
Another thing that made my hair raise in fear, was that for every single order, any working file was retained indefinitely, even in the light of the then-looming GDPR laws. This amounted of terabytes of data, much of it very private.
I worked at the main branch. When a person walked in, there was a desktop computer at the counter. No password protection, an order management screen open by default. People could just walk in and start viewing orders at will. I am not sure whether they did, but we did push MT to at least have manadatory password protection on their PCs.
I do not want to support a trillion dollar company that makes it impossible to repair my own stuff.
I respect the fact that people believe. They even can form their own clubs as far as I’m concerned. Forcing those beliefs onto other people is something I do have an issue with.
Netherlands. Thailand and Morocco are even worse I guess. There, you’ll get punished harshly for beinig openly anti-monarchy. I feel sorry for those countries.
As somebody who lives in a kingdom, yes! Fucking parasites!
Dutchie here: tobasco style hot sauce.
You may have got me there. It was overhyped. So. Much. Merchandise. It drew people to the cinemas too, at least where I live. I do not remember whether it was actually praised though.
BTW: I hated the sound track. Anything with Puff Daddy or whatever he tries to call himself nowadays should not exist. Most lazy music ever.
The God Machine. They were a shoegaze band from the early 90s. Sadly, one of the three members died, so they never got big.
Godzilla. The 1998-ish version.
Football (soccer for Muricans), both as a participant and as a spectator.
As a motorcyclist, that’s a definite yes. On long trips, it is the wind around the helmet that is one of the most tiring things. Custom plugs allow the rider to hear traffic while being shielded for wind noises.
A good friend of mine has concert plugs and he swears by them, but that has been said earlier in this thread.
Rami Malek comes to mind. If I am not mistaken, he is Egyptian, so not your typical Hollywood white mail.
Phil Collins’s solo work is mind-numbingly, eye-bleedingly, toe-curlingly boring and awful.
YES! He’s a massive idiot too.
Try this: slice a lemon in half. Put it in a heat-resistant bowl. Place bowl into airfryer and set at 200 Celsius for 20 minutes. It’ll probably smoke, so make sure to ventilate well.
After that, you may be able to wipe most of the grease away with a cloth.