I once called a woman sexy and that I would do it with her and was called gay because she had big muscles. That woman is Carriejune Bowlby. I guess straight guys don’t like in shape women with big butts?
I once called a woman sexy and that I would do it with her and was called gay because she had big muscles. That woman is Carriejune Bowlby. I guess straight guys don’t like in shape women with big butts?
Are dudes really out there with shitty cheeks because “wiping is gay”? I refuse to believe this
As an athletic guy who enjoys weightlifting, I really like women with huge muscles. I’ve always been attracted to muscle and I find female bodybuilders very sexy. My current partner isn’t muscular (except her legs have some good definition) and that’s fine, but I used to date a girl with decent muscle, but six pack abs. When she wanted to get me going she would just lift up her shirt and flex her abs. She also introduced me to men’s thongs and some other interesting things…
This is the exact opposite of my experience. Most doodle owners go the extra mile for their dogs, buying them actual food instead of kibble, getting them R+ trained (don’t say you love dogs and then train them with any other technique), they are active in their dogs lives, taking them to hike, walks, parks, family gatherings, and owning a doodle you understand that they still shed and need to be groomed a lot more than other dogs.
The worst owners and dogs by far and away are pit bull owners. Everyone thinks that their little “pebble” or “velvet cow” is so cute until it rips a toddlers face off, but then it’s somehow the toddlers fault.
I own a doodle, but probably the most engaged owners I’ve seen are greyhound/former track dog owners. They form bonds with dogs that have been abused and maybe only have a couple more years left, that’s tough.
One of the reasons Boeing sucks is this. First reason is McDonnell Douglas bought Boeing with Boeings money, hallowed out the soul that built the world’s greatest aircraft, then sold what was left off to the big investment funds. Then the investment funds were like “look at all this money Boeing is spending on safety and suppliers” so they cut out the safety and bought out the suppliers. The horror stories of quality control at some of the suppliers is just as bad if not worse than some of the horror stories of quality control at Boeing. What if I told you Boeing fought to have ECS (environmental control systems) software that was written by third world “programmers” that didn’t speak English to remain on their aircraft illegally, claiming it didn’t pose a threat to safety, you know those systems that determine if there is enough oxygen to breath at altitude and whether the temperature inside the plane is survivable…
That’s what I don’t get about people getting mad at the removal of “fact checkers”. Zuck was right in that they were uneducated and highly biased. Their “context” a lot of time was downright misleading. I never trusted them anyway because I don’t get my news from random people on the internet.