When you have blocked most of the troll instances and have no idea what’s going on in these comments
Just trying to do some cool shit with people and have fun and respectful. **Feel free to give me shit if I’m being unduly rude or disrespectful and point to this bio.
When you have blocked most of the troll instances and have no idea what’s going on in these comments
Agreed, I personally liked true off my chests, am I the asshole, etc. more conversation encouragement but tbh I don’t really see that going over we’ll just get here given how hard it is to have a convo without trolls popping up or people who’ve been brainwashed into using the same sort of logic.
Idk like I say, if we got something good going on, more people will naturally want to come and to stay. We’ve got plenty of lessons we can learn right now from the community in its current size. Why exacerbate the issue
Honestly I would rather let people come in naturally.
endless growth faster than what occurs naturally is cancer
Woah big shocker, anyway
They very specifically said political Christianity to be fair
It’s good, it makes you less predictable and thus more dangerous that’s big brain
Now you all know what Steve did…
Very cute desktop “ass_destroyer”
You mean to tell me that copying the exact same system that Reddit was using and couldn’t keep bots out of is still vuln to bots? Wild
Until we find a smarter way or at least a different way to rank/filter content, we’re going to be stuck in this same boat.
Who’s to say I don’t create a community of real people who are devoted to manipulating votes? What’s the difference?
The issue at hand is the post ranking system/karma itself. But we’re prolly gonna be focusing on infosec going forward given what just happened
Chatgpt is for chatting, you’re talking about regular ol machine learning. I imagine you could use one of OpenAIs other ai models that support data insights rather than simple text generation
I don’t understand what the point of making more than one account really is if we can view and post to or from any community or instance
Look into a technique/script called “out painting” and into some good models for it if you’re interested! GPT does okay with prompting but it if you give it some detailed examples and instructions as a system level (not user level) prompt, it does even better.
Still, you won’t beat manual prompts or advanced techniques like interrogation or other image to prompt + manual tweaking/LoRas after the fact. Fun stuff! Keep experimenting! Shit is so addictive