VSCodium is FLOSS
VSCodium is FLOSS
No idea I have my first session next week, I’ll know more then. This was all just some homework they gave me to do beforehand.
I thought I only had some ADHD, MFW filling out the psychiatrist’s questionnaire and I’m marking everything on the inattentive section as “almost always”
Kids Next Door on some recon huh
I raise you SHARP
As someone who grew up playing control decks in trading card games online… So many death threats from actual adults lmao… That being said, thanks to that now I don’t even see anyone who throws death threats, or wishes harm on people online as human beings. Has been great for disconnecting emotionally from overly aggressive people online as an adult now.
Not homosexual, but have noticed that all of my friends in same sex relationships have gotten together via apps. This is in Australia though, so the culture may be quite different from the US.
Cheers, I’ll give it a go. Unfortunately I’ll have to navigate my way through the Denuvo BS that Capcom loves shoving down our throats.
On the plus side I’ve been using the libreoffice suite and frankly speaking it’s more or less comparable to what Windows offers for my needs. Their excel equivalent feels really jank though.
Aight time to try and learn Linux for the 10th time and see if someone without strong console knowledge can use one now.
Depending on the tea, usually I like it plain no sugar, no milk. But I do make chai almost everyday with 2:1 milk to water and some ginger or cardamom depending on what I feel like. Also a fan of milk teas.
Dragons Dogma 2
But I tell you what, the world, exploration and gameplay they’ve put together, it’s all A+.
That River thing is just peak social commentary
Look mate. Sometimes we do things just because we want to or just because we can. I feel like in the world we currently live in, everything has become a struggle to squeeze out every last drop of our life to generate money, reputation, fame or whatever else.
It’s ok to just have something you do that’s just sits there and it makes you happy or relaxed or even if you just look at it and not have to worry about anything else.
Windows10, cause I’m a basic bitch. I’ve tried to run Linux a couple times years ago, but games not running properly and me not getting over the learning curve always got in the way.
Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire is just one of my favorites that I keep coming back to