The only difference was maybe they could throw more money at the problem.
The money was stolen mostly
The only difference was maybe they could throw more money at the problem.
The money was stolen mostly
Back in the day the peasant knew his station in life and he would fight for his interest when the time comes.
Modern pedon is a Grade A bootlicker that thinks he is part of the club.
It is a disgusting, pathological behaviour and nothing will change until we hit a critical mass of freedom enjoyers willing to do proper opposition to the regime oppression of the workers.
Karen dector going off
I am guess I will be shit posting 'til I die
I would recover that debt, then set boundaries.
If somebody can show up on time, or keep their word regularly, life is too long to be sitting around with a dick in your hand when you could banging hookers while hitting the rails…
it is is amazing how these types of clowns are never late for that type of event
Propaganda value… That’s what this is about.
The regime never respected the pedons, they lie to our face and for generations we accepted it.
Maybe our gen y and genz can break the severe bootlicker culture… Maybe not.
But until that is done, the clown daddies will keep abusing the working folk.
Never forget how the regime will treat the hero of the people…
6th army on eastern front was as bad a fucking SS…
The only good thing about it is that got destroyed in stalingrad and reminder died in gulag in USSR with maybe few K returning to Germnay, and that was still too many.
Too Many Nazis war criminals were permitted to live and now their crotch fruit is seeding the next wave across the world
Did they make NAZI owner class families return the capital they obtained from usage of slave labour during the Third Reich?
Asking for a friend…
Bro the data is being stolen for fucking criminals. Call this crime what is.
You got threat actors using contract law in bad faith to exploit stupid, poorly educated peasants
But hey good thing they got nothing to hide 🤡
During kamala shill op on here, I had accounts have a melt down because I was on mbin… Not really sure why. As if being non Lemmy explained why I didn’t accept her appointment by DNC komisars
As long as you are not a bootlicker, you will do fine.
Really need an annual fundraiser type day where everyone is reminded to donate to their software maintainer and server host etc
Without donatioms fedi can’t scale imho
But if everybody pitched 10 bucks per year, I bet that could take us into big boys club
one is a keeper, other is not
So the billionaires can live their best lives, they need pedons to serve them.
These kids on my fucking lawn, dawg…
Only a bootlicker would assist the Gestapo in their evil deeds.
We are a nation of bootlickers
Calling a tankie a socialist is similar to calling a capitalist parasite a philanthropist