Just a bridgeman doing his thing.
You can buy DVR capture cards for pc.
Do you think radio is harmful? Radio waves are way lower in energy than microwaves so there won’t be much nuking going on regardless of phone design and if you believe radio waves are harmful I have some bad news for you regarding the radio waves that saturate the planet from literally every corner of the universe.
I thought Ellen was a free speech absolutist? Weird how free speech absolutists always shut down criticism directed at themselves.
This guy gets it ^
It’s called ranger pudding and the recipe is 2 packets coffee, 1 packet creamer, 1 packet chocolate beverage powder, 1 packet sugar. Add a bit of water, stir and enjoy. You can also add peanut butter if you’re feeling frisky.
Edit: I forgot the 1 packet of crackers. Gotta add those bad boys in for substance.
Bonus point, you won’t poop while you’re eating MREs. Those things bind you up something fierce.
Pfft, eat a few MRE’s a day and you won’t poop for two solid weeks. Emphasis on solid because when that shit comes out it will be a brick the size of a baby.
+1 for Firefox and VLC. Always amazes me that such good programs are available for free. Remember to donate to FOSS projects, people!
Maine is the closest US state to Africa.
Not my whole life but ever since I learned it twenty years ago in the army. “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”. It’s a saying that means to learn things carefully, slowly, and methodically. When you are learning like this speed will follow as a natural progression. So if you learn something slowly and smoothly it will translate into being quick and doing it correctly. I have applied this to all sorts of different things in life and it has never failed me.
Look up how to make a carbon dioxide trap for mosquitoes. They are strongly attracted to CO2.
When did Deadpool get a fantastic 4 arc reactor? That’s kind of scary.