Ok this one is cursed. You win
Ok this one is cursed. You win
Smash em up and it’s not much different than Doritos or something. Not my go to but I’ve done it in a pinch
Instant mashed potatoes with American cheese melted in, and a variety of seasonings, butter, toppings etc. It’s a great, cheap way to make a bowl out of random leftovers, protein or whatever. But I wouldn’t dare serve it to someone.
‘quickadilla’ I’ll slap a tortilla on a cold pan, turn on the heat and build it right in the pan while it heats up with shredded cheese and left over meat. Takes 5 minutes and it’s at least as good as Taco Bell, and actually warm and melted.
More of a meal I’d actually be willing to share, but not brag about because it’s sort of a bastardization of cultures. But I’ll often make a curry using Japanese curry blocks, and season chicken in a vaguely Indian style, then put it over rice. Really simple and delicious. I’m kind of proud of it but I wouldn’t even know how to explain it to someone, much less actually serve it.
Counterfeit products are the main reason I’d ever shop ali
I haven’t used pidgin in about 15 years. I miss it
LEDs are fucking annoying
If we’re being paranoid about hackers gaining access to your webcam, why would you assume they couldn’t also reenable your drivers
I like wireless for my laptop, but I’ve never understood the point on my desktop. It’s never going beyond the cable’s length, and the cable has never gotten in the way unless I’m doing extreme motions with a very low sensitivity. And in that case, I am playing competitive fps.
I prefer yanking the cord out while furmark, prime95 and a full delete 0 write on the spinning disks is going.
My mom built computers in the '90s and '00s, she taught me how to use the command prompt to play my dos games. now she can barely use one. I don’t know what the hell happened.
It’s simple enough to just cover a camera. I’d be far more worried about the always listening microphones.
I’ve been helping my parents renovate their house recently, and I’m trying to get them to understand this. Just watch a video, it instantly gives you context for commonly agreed upon solutions. You don’t have to reinvent solutions to solved problems.
For example, my mom decided to refinish her cabinets doors. They were painted with one layer of a typical latex house paint you could even still see the original finish in the brush strokes. I sanded the paint and the original varnished finish off the interiors in just a few minutes with an orbital sander.
She decided that because she saw that her aunt use a paint stripper on Facebook, that she should do that. So instead of sanding it down to wood in a few minutes, she’ll coat the doors with stripper, scrape the paint off, clean the caustic paint stripper off, and then sand the varnish/wood at the end anyway. I tried to explain this, and pull up a video showing how messy and overkill the paint strippers were, and she got mad that I played a video.
Meanwhile, my step dad was helping me install quarter round over their baseboards, I showed him 3 options to finish the ends. A simple 90° cut, a standard 45° bevel, and another mitre with a tiny triangle to round over the end. I explained that the mitre looks the nicest, but it takes twice as long to do.
He proceeded to freehand two bevels for half an hour with a dull chipped chisel. They were completely uneven and jagged. Then I explained he had to repeat that work 18 more times in the hallway alone, assuming he was happy with his… handiwork.
They have been trying to finish renovating this house for 20 years. Now I see why it is taking so long.
Local is always best but they’re not open at 3am. So Domino’s
flash: scroll: Buying lobbies 200ea
RuneScape was just a series of typing exercises for me. Eventually I got an auto typer but I’d still throw in my own messages to try to throw off the bot detection
trackball mice
But why? These were never more popular than traditional mice
Sounds like you’re a millennial with gen alpha kids. The latest generation is struggling to read and write, while millennials are the best typists
This happens to me when I add a word to the dictionary but it happened to be the first word of a sentence at the time I added it, so it got capitalized and now the dictionary thinks it’s a proper noun
T9 just adapted the earlier lettering that phones already had on the numbers. ‘1-800-COL-LECT’ Never intended you to type it as ‘1-800-222666555-555332228’, you’d just dial 1-800-265-5328. but that’s what you’d have to do to write it with T9.
I watched multiple tech reviews bend the thing in their bare hands. Just because you didn’t damage yours doesn’t mean it wasn’t a huge issue
I’ll definitely throw a can of tuna on a box of Mac to get some protein in there. It somehow feels slightly classier than the cut up hotdogs of my childhood