The president/protagonist of Saints Row IV
The president/protagonist of Saints Row IV
I miss my e280… With Rockbox, it got me through high school, getting to play Pokémon Silver on it
I got a used Fuze v1 off of eBay that works only as long as it boots rb from SD card, the internal flash now dead
To be fair, a considerable number of cartoons actively portray exactly that.
Because radio stations’ DJs would say “and here’s artist with song name”, I firmly believed that one of two things must be true:
Radio stations had the bands always playing live for them
Radio stations would present a local DJ, but they would then tune in to the artist playing the track live for a larger station
What’s even funnier about this is that my dad has at the time taught me how to use a tape deck to record radio and CDs to tape. So I clearly understood recording mediums. Just, the idea still lingered in my mind for a while.
To be fair, I did have a comma after that. The $50 included litter, which should be changed at least every 2 weeks, and is currently about $18 for the stuff that works best in my household.
So here’s my perspective: you should get a cat you’ll love, because that cat will need to depend on you for care. Not going to be a great relationship if 2-5 years down the road you find yourself sighing, reminding yourself that “it’s for the internet” and/or “I’m not a cat racist” / some other bullshit as you sign the credit card bill for $50/mo in cat food, litter, cleaning supplies, etc, or worse, $500+ in vet fees to treat an illness.
No, you need to love your cat because you love your cat. Not because a rando on the internet said you’re morally obligated to love any/all cats.
This is just my observation, but I think it’s because the communities on PeerTube decided to just give up on controlling moderation of instances (perhaps because the instances were popping up like whack a mole?)
So they opted instead to just give up on the idea of any federation on the PeerTube branch of fedi, and now we have the isolated issue of today…
“Well, PepsiCo, you didn’t buy enough ads this month, so we’re gonna have to drop your verification.”
He really is just doing his damnedest to show us how stupid he is, isn’t he? And I suppose when it all falls apart, he’s gonna run to daddy in his emerald mine and ask for bail out funds?
Posts like this have me longing for a Save feature…
You should see Walmart WiFi policies