I thought someone might go that route, so I came prepared. Even if we ignore Russia (located in Asia but absolutely culturally European) europeans have been responsible for no less than 6 genocides in the last hundred years.
I thought someone might go that route, so I came prepared. Even if we ignore Russia (located in Asia but absolutely culturally European) europeans have been responsible for no less than 6 genocides in the last hundred years.
The “america bad” people have a point. The “america bad, Europe good” people are delusional. The US would have to last another 3000 years to even come close to the atrocities committed by Europeans.
Well, you see, Lemmy is full of nerds and communists.
You literally have a choice, you make a choice that you don’t like and then whine that you had no choice. It’s clear you’re either trolling or have a pretty severe victimization fetish.
No one with less than a 7-digit bank account wants to vote for one of two parties
Then stop doing it dumbass and stop encouraging other people to do it
it’s FFtP that does that. It’s your attitude that does that. You’d rather throw your hands up and whine about the situation than make even a tiny effort to change it.
I think they keep voting for it, so if they don’t like it they must be pretty fucking stupid.
able to get laws enacted
What laws have they passed that force you to vote A or B?
We don’t like that we are only allowed to have two choices.
You chose it and chastised someone for telling you to stop choosing it lmao
I downvoted you because of this comment. Does that help?
He’s on his way to drone strike an elementary school
Ukraine. There have been no worse war since WWII.
17,000 civilian deaths in Ukraine vs 280,000 in Iraq. What is your definition of “worse”?
The penis is the male clitoris
Oh great. Love the app hope I didnt come across as too critical
Here’s the most recent one. It happens once or twice a day, usually when expanding or scrolling in the replies. They’re all the same exception, with the exception of the key number, but if more traces will help you I can can send all of them.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key “3764992” was already used. If you are using LazyColumn/Row please make sure you provide a unique key for each item. at androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState$Scope.subcompose(Unknown Source:182) at androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.layout.LazyLayoutMeasureScopeImpl.measure-0kLqBqw(Unknown Source:33) at androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.LazyListKt$rememberLazyListMeasurePolicy$1$1$measuredItemProvider$1.getAndMeasure(Unknown Source:18) at androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.LazyListKt$rememberLazyListMeasurePolicy$1$1.invoke(Unknown Source:617) at androidx.navigation.compose.NavHostKt$NavHost$14$1.invoke(SourceFile:17) at androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState$createMeasurePolicy$1.measure-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:91) at androidx.compose.ui.node.InnerNodeCoordinator.measure-BRTryo0(Unknown Source:45) at androidx.compose.material3.ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt$lambda-2$1.invoke-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:60) at androidx.compose.material3.ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt$lambda-2$1.invoke(SourceFile:73) at androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutModifierImpl.measure-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:12) at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator.measure-BRTryo0(Unknown Source:10) at androidx.compose.material3.ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt$lambda-2$1.invoke-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:19) at androidx.compose.material3.ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt$lambda-2$1.invoke(SourceFile:76) at androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutModifierImpl.measure-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:12) at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator.measure-BRTryo0(Unknown Source:10) at androidx.compose.ui.graphics.SimpleGraphicsLayerModifier.measure-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:5) at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator.measure-BRTryo0(Unknown Source:10) at androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingNode.measure-3p2s80s(Unknown Source:37) at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator.measure-BRTryo0(Unknown Source:10) at okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$1.invoke(SourceFile:17) at okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$1.invoke(SourceFile:13) at kotlin.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE.observe(Unknown Source:63) at androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateObserver$ObservedScopeMap.observe(Unknown Source:66) at androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateObserver.observeReads(Unknown Source:75) at androidx.compose.ui.node.OwnerSnapshotObserver.observeReads$ui_release(Unknown Source:12) at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNodeLayoutDelegate$MeasurePassDelegate.remeasure-BRTryo0(Unknown Source:109) at androidx.compose.ui.node.MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.doRemeasure-sdFAvZA(Unknown Source:17) at androidx.compose.ui.node.MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.measureAndLayout-0kLqBqw(Unknown Source:60) at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidComposeView.measureAndLayout-0kLqBqw(Unknown Source:12) at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.forceRemeasure(Unknown Source:40) at androidx.compose.foundation.MagnifierKt$magnifier$4$3.invoke(SourceFile:27) at androidx.compose.foundation.MagnifierKt$magnifier$4$3.invoke(SourceFile:105) at androidx.compose.foundation.gestures.DefaultScrollableState$scrollScope$1.scrollBy(Unknown Source:16) at androidx.compose.runtime.RecomposeScopeImpl$end$1$2.invoke(Unknown Source:359) at androidx.compose.foundation.AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect.applyToScroll-Rhakbz0(Unknown Source:327) at androidx.compose.foundation.gestures.ScrollingLogic.dispatchScroll-3eAAhYA(Unknown Source:49) at androidx.compose.foundation.gestures.ScrollDraggableState.dragBy(Unknown Source:15) at androidx.compose.foundation.gestures.DraggableNode$pointerInputNode$1$1$1$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:81) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(Unknown Source:8) at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(Unknown Source:109) at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidUiDispatcher.access$performTrampolineDispatch(Unknown Source:22) at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidUiDispatcher$dispatchCallback$1.doFrame(Unknown Source:9) at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1229) at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1239) at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:899) at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:827) at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1214) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:942) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7918) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:936) Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [androidx.compose.ui.platform.MotionDurationScaleImpl@d81cb45, androidx.compose.runtime.BroadcastFrameClock@890c29a, StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@e09f7cb, AndroidUiDispatcher@5c08ba8]
END of stacktrace
Thread info
Name: main ID: 2 State: RUNNABLE Priority: 5 Thread group name: main Thread group parent: system Thread group active count: 39 Thread time: 0 hr 6 min, 7 sec
END of thread info
Device info
Report ID: 8e31d58f-c71f-4a1a-baf9-3e0d403f2f2f Device ID: f08fa57315663069 Application version: 48 Default launcher: com.android.settings Timezone name: Eastern Standard Time Timezone ID: America/New_York Version release: 13 Version incremental : 10385117 Version SDK: 33 Board: redfin Bootloader: r3-0.5-9825705 Brand: google CPU ABIS 32: armeabi-v7a, armeabi CPU ABIS 64: arm64-v8a Supported ABIS: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi Device: redfin Display: TQ3A.230805.001.A2 Fingerprint: google/redfin/redfin:13/TQ3A.230805.001.A2/10385117:user/release-keys Hardware: redfin Host: abfarm-release-2004-0198 ID: TQ3A.230805.001.A2 Manufacturer: Google Product: redfin Build time: 1687810840000 Build time formatted: 26-06-2023 16:20:40 Type: user Radio: g7250-00258-230518-B-10157620,g7250-00258-230518-B-10157620 Tags: release-keys User: android-build User IDs: N/A Is sustained performance mode supported: No Is in power save mode: No Is in interactive state: Yes Is ignoring battery optimizations: No Thermal status: STATUS_NONE Location power save mode: MODE_NO_CHANGE Is device idle: No Battery percentage: 81 Battery remaining time: N/A Is battery charging: No Is device rooted: No CPU Model: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc LITO Number of CPU cores: 8 Up time with sleep: 327 hr 22 min, 56 sec Up time without sleep: 160 hr 38 min, 24 sec
END of Device info
Exit reasons
Exit reason #1
Description: null
Timestamp: 29-09-2023 03:20:43
END of exit reason #1
Exit reason #2
Description: remove task
Importance: CACHED
Timestamp: 28-09-2023 21:45:50
END of exit reason #2
Exit reason #3
Description: stop com.jerboa due to installPackageLI
Importance: CACHED
Timestamp: 28-09-2023 09:13:11
END of exit reason #3
END of exit reasons
Application info
App name: Jerboa Version code: 48 Version name: 0.0.48 Package name: com.jerboa Short package name: jerboa Flavor: N/A Signatures: nORRaWmGNmrBj18PL/p3svEr/s4= Is debuggable: No First installed: 07-06-2023 20:24:35 Last updated: 28-09-2023 09:13:11 Requested permissions: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO, android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO, com.jerboa.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION Default prefs: N/A Default prefs: N/A
END of Application info
Currently running foreground/background processes
END of running foreground/background processes info
I’d rather see some work on the crashing over a ui refresh
Alan Alda looks like every upper class democrat who proudly flies a coexist sticker on the back of his car but goes on self righteous, semi racist tirades at Starbucks bitching about how black people cost Hillary the election
Alberta is the Canadian Texas
Most/all of them have done good things. A better question is are there any that have done enough good to outweigh the bad
Depends on your definition of species. Sheep and goats are closely related enough to mate and produce offspring
Tell that to the redditor types constantly making US vs europe comparisons. It’s either a monolith or it’s not, not just when it’s convenient.