You’ve heard of no true Scotsman, well that’s compared to me, the only true Scotsman. Everything I am is all things that are forever and not, therefore the fallacy isn’t.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2024


  • To your first point, yes. Some idiot twenty years ago said to a bunch of guidance counselors that software engineering would be a sure way to get money, so there’s way too many in the US; on top of this companies don’t want to pay even close to a living wage so they import H1Bs. Competition is ridiculous.

    To your second point and exacerbating the first… Every company, practically, uses AI screening software, and before that just plain old applicant screening software. Your resume won’t get seen by a human unless you’re lucky enough to get through the layers of screening, so it’s an arms race to guess what they’re screening for and add that to your resume while not exaggerating too much so as to make the human after the screening process to not throw away your resume.

    And at the end of this; especially in software but more and more in less specialized, less skilled positions, you have to still do 3+ interviews.

  • Both of those statements are allowed in .ml, you just can’t repeat us state department propaganda without extreme amounts of proof to back it up. There is a difference between: “I think China is authoritarian” and “oog boog look remember that genocide that the UN investigated and found wasn’t a genocide where all the ‘victims’ that were touted are now millionaires in other countries after selling a story the UN specifically found didn’t happen… It happened!!!1!1!!1”

  • It doesn’t have to come out today tax payers pockets, that’s the entire thing. The money doesn’t exist, the debt doesn’t exist.

    We made up this system specifically so we didn’t have to keep exact books, that’s the point of fiat currency over backed currency. If we don’t use its primary feature for good, ever, we may as well go back to the gold standard which would elimate nearly all banks and lenders at this point in the capitalist finite curve.

  • No it can be ‘magically’ erased, it was ‘magically’ created out of thin air with nothing backing it. The money doesn’t actually exist, the asset for non existent money can simply have zero value. Loans are erased this way literally constantly. In fact more loans are erased this way than actually paid, if only by volume and not purported value. This is what happens when you default and no value is reclaimed on a loan, or when one defaults on a healthcare bill with an arbitrary price tag.

    There is absolutely no reason, whatsoever, the lender has to be made whole. That’s not a thing in other circumstances where loans lose all value and the money created for them disappears.