2 years agoYet the sales figures show Nintendo have amazing sales.
- PS2 - 159 million.
- Nintendo DS - 154.02 million.
- Nintendo switch - 125.62 million
- Gameboy/ Gameboy colour - 118.69 million
- PS4 - 117.2 million.
3 out of the 5 top sales belong to Nintendo. So regardless of hardware, Nintendo is a loved gaming system.
Whereas Xbox is number 9 on that list with the 360 at 85 million. So the console war seems to be between Nintendo and Sony at this point.
I wanted something that was limited edition. Like the consoles.
So I have the limited edition animal crossing switch and the legend of Zelda Gameboy advance SP.
I also have numerous collectors editions of games.
Also, anime/ gaming figures. Have numerous shelves filled with them now, it’s really cool to see every day in my living room.