Drug addiction. Its not necessarily easy to fix, but we know how to treat it and take care of our vulnerable, we just don’t: social workers, public services, shelters, safe drug sites with drug counselors. We’ve become so numb to the mass suffering on a societal and individual level.
Personal anedcote, a year ago, a man was dying of an OD next to our Tim Horton’s drive thru, splayed out in the middle of the road, and the dozens of people driving by cared more about getting their coffee and getting to work than to even call an ambulance. I went to the pharmacy down the road and got a narcan kit and administered it, but Jesus Christ I lost a lot of trust and faith in my fellow man that day. Not enough people care; even people I love and respect say disgusting things about homeless people.
Seems intelligent and I’ve enjoyed some of his videos. I don’t know much about him other than he’s a bit… intense? and he’s sparked controversy with some people. I looove the FUTO keyboard app he’s associated with. It’s the best TTS keyboard I’ve found, and I refuse to use the Google/Samsung/etc equivalents