yes to a cannibal humans are food. I morally disagree with people killing and eating other humans but if they do those people become food
yes to a cannibal humans are food. I morally disagree with people killing and eating other humans but if they do those people become food
yeah man I get it you’re a vegan stop pretending you don’t know what the word meat means.
if people eat it for sustenance it’s food
just say you’re morally opposed to eating meat these word games are some reddit tier shit
it’s the english word for animal flesh eaten as food
if you ask “is there any meat in this” you are not asking about dragonfruit
don’t want to say because of privacy. It was a form of cancer
I do many early symptoms look benign on their own and doctors are often overworked because the stupid government wants to destroy universal healthcare to give the whole thing over to some Norman
I kept coming in with early signs of a treatable but very serious condition and they were waved away until it got very bad.
I’m fine now but easily could have died from it
don’t go there
“Russian control of Crimea contested”
“Egyptian controlled Suez blocked”
“France controls British power infrastructure”
robot butler that does all my chores
well my sex ed consisted of a man who would later that year get fired for hitting a student telling us that premarital sex will result in pregnancy and then having us perform a play I can only describe as racially charged about the subject
after being fired he went on to become a far right politician
I even routinely go on dates with friends who are poly- but it’s just to be friends.
Isn’t that just going to dinner with friends
LLMs are not the aspects of AI that are going to have the biggest impact. It will be AI based tools for evaluating data in the aid of specific tasks that has the big effect
Yeah but it’s about as relevant to running a business as a manual to use a toaster
I think cultural anti-intelectualism to some extent comes from the belief that intelectuals don’t care about their interests or wellbeing. Not helped by the historic lack of accessibility of education
I think the latter is improving somewhat
meant to read it then never actually got around to it
it’s not even relevant if they did read it. It’s an instruction manual for running an ancient chinese army
not solely by the exploitation of laborers but also through the ceaseless march of technological advancement
interesting where does this technical advancement come from?
Capital, clearly. Not a single anti communist has ever read it because they never once refute a single talking point from the actual book
Almost no one has actually read capital it’s like the Bible hugely influential but almost no one is willing to actually read the thing
Really I found them dull 1984 especially
look man I don’t think this conversation is going anywhere so I’m going to disengage.
Don’t call me smuglord when you were the one pretending to not know the meaning of the word meat