DDoS are sometimes just people thinking “because I can”, not necessarily motivated by profit.
A smallish scale service like a lemmy server ran by volunteers seems like an easy target, so it wouldn’t be surprising that being the case.
DDoS are sometimes just people thinking “because I can”, not necessarily motivated by profit.
A smallish scale service like a lemmy server ran by volunteers seems like an easy target, so it wouldn’t be surprising that being the case.
I was raised by my grandparents.
My grandfather was the cook most of the time, and he was always trying new recipies he found online: in years, I don’t think I ever saw him cook the same meal twice.
Everytime he’d taste something new, he’d enthusiastically comment “it’s different than usual!” (Rough translation from French “ça fait changment!”)
To this day, I have no idea how good or how bad he thought any of those dishes were.