An ungodly amount of people do, there’s no point in pretending otherwise.
An ungodly amount of people do, there’s no point in pretending otherwise.
Do they offer a security update commitment?
I have assumed prices are high because it’s a small market, at least with the current technology.
Will they be AI ads
What would you regard as reasonable? If I recall correctly, 800 dollars was the price for the last 13 inch e ink display I saw.
I, too, can pass the Boards if you remove all the questions I don’t understand.
Is there a simple guide for setting it up for the first time to sync between an Android phone and a Windows laptop? I downloaded what I needed to but I’m kinda confused.
One thing is how do I change what folder it’s synchronizing with on the laptop?
My laptop has an SD card slot. So if this were reliable I could add a significant permanent storage capacity to my laptop.
Definitely makes sense to invest billions in solving this program that people won’t pay more than a pittance for the service.
What automated mower do you have?
I’ve been using this for a little while now on Android. I believe it works by using Spotify track data and your account there to then use YouTube’s audio to feed your the music you ask for. It’s seamlessly done. So far it’s meeting all my streaming music needs, even if it is sometimes a little uneven in performance.
Third party sellers on Amazon, not Amazon itself.
I searched for it there and found it
It’s even worse than that: when you pay they now have your full legal name, payment information and home address. More than they likely had before you opted out of advertising!
How? When I opened it up it asks for a login to Spotify before I can do anything
Oh! Sorry, I stand corrected.
There’s no paywall on theverge.
Narrator: yes there is
Post trump FCC ending net neutrality, AT&T self-preferenced its online streaming service HBO Max, unfairly disadvantaging its streaming competitors. This only ended when California passed its own net neutrality law.
To learn more on the subject, you could read:
I agree it’s down a large amount but it started at a really high level. Tens of millions to go before we get to ask “Who on earth still uses Twitter?”