Ah yeah! The chunky guy!
Ah yeah! The chunky guy!
With Mark Blue flowers and Steven Davis? Wait! Its coming back to me!
Kevin Rose and the other guy who was chunky!
One Tera Newton? That’s a huge force!
Dude, Hus brother is going to get jealous:
Does he come in Bitcoin too like the prez?
That’s difficult to stare at. Take it off man! Take it off!
The pressure behind a bullet ~14,000psi. The pressure that a 3D resin can handle ~ 200psi. Any questions?
Oh yeah, how do 3D printed guns kill? 1) use non 3d printed parts or 2, hold the bullets in the gun-like case, carry a hammer, if you need to shoot the bullet just get the bullet out between two of your fingers, run like crazy towards the target, then bury that sucker with a real nice hammer thud. If you practice real good, you can hit a good 3 or 4 target spots. If you do it it slow enough you can probably hit one bullet with another bullet! Well, you can always do that. Heck you can put 10 bullets or more in a baggie and they will all hit each other.
I guess if you need a ruzzian war diy survivor gun, just go-to the hardware store and get a pipe. No 3D printed stuff. You can make the handle from wood! That’s literally all a 3D printer is good for in gun making, the handle. But you can carve one out with a router. Are routers illegal yet because you can make a gun … handle…?
So email came before Google. Email was good. You went to your computer and downloaded your inbox. You could either delete the email from the server and have it in your computer only or keep it in both places. With android and Google, the strategy was to give you an address that you couldn’t take with you anywhere, and to let you see and accumulate emails from any device such that your data could be used for AI and you couldn’t easily retain it and still use it globally. You can come up with your own email server, just not a gmail.com address. They own you until you just start elsewhere.
AI invented the double H on a Tuesday, August 27 of the year 2024.
Since thhen we have perfected thhe Englishh language!
Santutancamon? Where are my toys!
Mikey kept getting bigger ears so they struck a balance.
You probably need to search about Ji PingPing on a search engine such as the ones available through the Mozilla Internet web access browser. I would not recommend the ones that start with a G or “big ass monopoly”
How about in our emigdola? So anyway did you say something? What was the question ❓
It’s only 14,000 dollars and my first born female next of kin or better? What a deal!
Percussive bike? Wind bike?
It said pigs fly. That’s just a pig with wings. I think they want to see pigs with large bug eyes and more fly-like appearance.
Can you monetize it? No? Kill it.
I think nobody wants that. I can think of a better way to fuck up your hardware and it pulls nails too.
Microsoft…you keep it. We good.
Could you please hold the fur?
This could be real… 1 millisecond before impact.