The article mostly talks about using AI for the maintenance of the infrastructure, and detecting potential problems before they happen.
Indeed, liberalism is just a precursor of fascism
Indeed, trade between Russia and China is at over 200 billion already and it’s only going to go up.
China should really be thanking the US for taking the initiative on doing trade protectionists measures for them. All the sanctions end up doing is creating commercial vacuums that are filled by domestic competitors. If China started passing protectionist measures on their end, there would be a huge stink about it, but since US is doing it for them the government doesn’t have to take any heat domestically.
Amazing what making a good product that doesn’t have five eyes backdoors in it can bring telecoms.
Trump will run on a platform of banning 6g in US 😂
The principle of being racist scumbags?
Sure it’s a different problem, but chances of fatal accidents in cars are already significantly higher than in commercial air travel now. And same argument applies to planes.
What makes car automation so difficult is the fact that you have to account for human drivers and pedestrians. Flight automation might actually be an easier problem if all the vehicles are autonomous from the start and communicate with each other. You’re also not flying bumper to bumper the way you drive on a road, so you have a much wider margin for collision avoidance.
I literally provided you a source my dude.
Really should take your own advice here, cause you’re drowning in copium bud. Once you accept that you live in a despotic regime that’s a danger to the whole world maybe you can start doing something about it.
I see reading comprehension isn’t one of your strong suites. Keep rereading what I wrote until you comprehend the size these supposed camps would have to be. I love how you just keep embarrassing yourself here without even realizing it. Zero self awareness.
I also love how you think that any building shot from satellite must be a detention facility. Maybe send me a dm sometime, cause I have a nice bridge I could sell you.
LMFAO working to fix it. Sure buddy. Just like you’re working to fix all your migrant concentration camps for kids you’ve got on the border. That’s your western “democracy” in action. Concentration camps for kids. That’s what you’re all about.
Meanwhile, the claim that China is detaining millions of people in Xinjiang is so completely absurd that only an utter imbecile would believe it. Let’s just look at how much space would you actually need to intern one million people.
This is a photo of Rikers Island, New York City’s biggest prison. The actual size of a facility interning ten thousand people.
According to Wikipedia, “The average daily inmate population on the island is about 10,000, although it can hold a maximum of 15,000.” Let’s assume this is a Xinjiang detention camp, holding ten to fifteen thousand people. How many of these would it take to hold one million people?
Let’s do some math:
Rikers Size | Rikers Prisoners | One Million Uyghurs Size |
413.2 acres (0.645 square miles) | 10,000 to 15,000 | 43 to 64 square miles |
In reality, one million people would probably take more space; all the supposed detention camps we see are much less dense than Rikers.
For comparison, San Francisco is 47 square miles. Amsterdam is 64 square miles. You’d literally need detention camps that total the size of San Francisco or Amsterdam to intern one million Uyghurs. It’d be like looking at a map of California. There’s Los Angeles. There’s San Diego. And look, there’s San Francisco Concentration City with its one million Uyghurs.
Literally visible to the naked eye from space.
The fact that you actually believed this bit of propaganda shows just how incredibly credulous you are. 😂
LMFAO imagine defending actual torture camp your regime runs while bleating about see see pee. 🤡
Because there is plenty of evidence that NSA spies on people living in the west while there isn’t a shred of evidence for that regarding Huawei devices. UK did a whole investigation into Huawei equipment and found nothing.
The fact that this needed to be explained to you really says volumes. Now go take a seat there champ.
Buddy, your country has an entire torture camp in Guantanamo on the land your regime annexed from Cuba where you disappear people in a middle of the night without any due process. Your country passed laws like the Patriot Act that allow the government to disappear citizens.
Meanwhile, this is what China liberated Tibet from, and your Uyghur conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked many times.
You’re right, these aren’t even remotely comparable. Keep trying.
It’s not, but you keep on digging there.
If you live in the west then you’re using US based tech and the NSA absolutely has access to all your data.
edit: LMFAO @ dufuses downvoting. US even spies on European leaders, anybody who thinks their data isn’t mirrored on a NSA server is dumb beyond belief.
Because they published war crimes committed your regime, but let’s just ignore that and make an idiotic straw man instead. 👏
but at what cost!