Pretty much the opposite
Pretty much the opposite
Bro I’ve about a dozen I can sell you right now
You can’t make me pick one.
Maybe they don’t want to go
The one thing I feel deprived of, is the proper sci fi aesthetic in our devices.
The beeps, the switches, the UI. All forsaken for an asinine black mirror .
Very suspicious if you ask me
Fully automated luxury communism
Rusty retirement
I will hold on to the memories, thanks.
I realised that it was my bias as car owner.
A good lesson about how all can have blind spots.
Food delivery.
I never imagined a delivery service for restaurants with drive-thru would take off .
Yeah I can’t figure it out. All those gun rights. You’d think they’d do more with them
You invented what now ?!
A bit smug. It’s a crushing victory over the critics and doubters.
As it turned out, I became an adult and a parent.
Actually yes, my wife bought 6 outdoor chairs this summer (and a matching table) but we didn’t really get the weather to use them.
Every time those perfect faces or perfect bodies are projected into media, it demeans us all.