Proton have been too noisy from the very start .
Proton have been too noisy from the very start .
14% pre market, on a whisper out of China
Techdirt doing the work !
Comprehensive takedown.
Two big problems are
, when you talk with the Right, you don’t have to dig very deep before you encounter dishonesty.
When you talk with Liberals, they are not politically aware at all
You are brainwashed
I love how OP has mass shooting fantasies and I’m getting shit.
Because many people are living in conditions significantly worse than OP describes ,with widespread poverty oppression and crime …. Today. And they are getting in with life, and having families, and supporting one another - not writing embittered murder fantasies on the internet.
Try telling your tale of woe to any one from Sudan, Haiti, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Somali, Yemen, Palestine of course, and countless other war torn places, they’d just laugh.
As an old man, it is …frustrating to see the ‘nothing happened before I was born’ crowd telling us the world is doomed.
It’s selfish, privileged position and a worrying sign of excess news consumption.
Stop being selfish and get some help.
The question is better but thus : what lead you to doomerism ?
The answer will almost certainly not be your lived experience or the lived experience of your loved ones. Instead the answer will probably be media consumption.
It is now well documented that news has both a negative bias, and also that excessive consumption is detrimental to health :
So, :
Secondly, and don’t take this the wrong way, but you mention the ‘the last moments of society’ which is a very privileged and arrogant view to take, when there are people who have lived through war, lived through famine, lived through brutal oppression and come out the other side .
In fact, the dystopian picture you paint, is the lived reality for some people TODAY. So check your privilege.
Cos the bastards stopped me banging my shield
I would like something proves the “interconnectedness of all things” as Douglas Adams put it……something that proves individualism is a disease or a flaw, that could be eliminated, unlocking whole earth potential.
I would settle for evidence of Gaia theory that proves if humans don’t get our shit together, Mother Earth will give someone else a chance .
deleted by creator
….She said on Lemmy, a platform provided for free and free of ads by volunteers.
Every day I’m more persuaded that in the main, Lemmy got the dregs of Reddit during the exodus, who are the nastiest most argumentative, most poorly informed shitheads the internet has to offer.
thats the entire point of mastodon.
literally why it was built. Edit :
It’s not supposed to be a place you go to get served content. You pick who you follow, and that’s your feed.
The problem has been lack of adoption by popular news and culture . So you go there, and you cannot easily find high volume content provided like the bbc, nfl, Real Madrid, Activision, etc etc
the average social media user wants to know what face cream Kim Kardashian uses, follows Cristiano Ronaldo and thinks you should go back to your own country.
Mastodon is ideologically sound, but has not nailed the UX
He doesn’t admit shit . No one should print this