I love wholesome stories like this.
LOL! I had to screen shot this response. Thank you, I needed that laugh! 🤣
I didn’t know I needed this word, but I definitely do.
German has a word for everything. And if it doesn’t, just mash a few other words together and make a new one!
I hate that even more people are going to lose jobs and Musk will still be disgustingly rich.
I hate that he is not.paying people the severance he promised,.yet has hundreds of billions of.dollars in net.worth.
I hate that most of the people who will lose their jobs because of this guy will have their lives completely disrupted.
He’s a deadbeat and a sociopath.
No way!
Musk uses “piss off users”.
It hurt itself in the confusion.
Can‘t wait to read takes on why this is actually a genius move
Get your tin foil hats ready!
For many people, social media was a valuable tool during the last US election cycle for many people to get information that differ from fox and co.
Now, right before the whole circus starts up again, Musk and spez are making “bad” decisions with their platform, to drive people away from those to other products like facebook, threads, … Stuff that is easier to “manage” in terms of what people get to see - and let’s face is, the people that end up here are a vast minority.
And don’t get me started about stuff like the Arab spring, where twitter was very important to communicate.I’m not saying this is 100% happening, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk and co. are simply paid by certain people to fuck up social media, so we go back to a time when information and communication is easier to control.
Now put your tinfoil hats away, they are a serious heat risk in today weather!
stuff like the Arab spring
Would explain why the Saudis gave money to Musk to buy Twitter.
Is he forced to disclose this, as this will confirm reports that Twitter is dying, which may hasten people leaving, and companies lsaving.