Looking really clean. Could you post your dotfiles as well?
Thanks! Everything is at gitlab.com/jespal1/dotfiles. (Along with a bunch of old broken stuff I no longer use. Please dont judge the mess)
“Real” as opposed to something like Endeavour?
Yes. I was on endeavour before but I wanted to try actual arch this time.
Did you like it?
Absolutely! It’s probably my favorite distro. I’ll have to see if arch can dethrone it but I don’t expect too many differences since the two are so similar.
Generally they’re both the same, just that Arch might need a little more setting up in some aspects, but a lot of what you learned on Endeavour can just be used on Arch.
Nice. Keep on Ricing
Clean, nice.
Looking clean, catpuccin is always great!
Oh and I love your wifi lol, might steal that. You don’t know how hard it was not to just reply “hello there!” and leave it at that.
I always name mine after a system. First was The Dagobah System, then The Coruscant System, now it’s The Endor System
That’s great too! I’m boring and just use my own nickname, although I do tend to use meme (but still strong!) passwords for my own amusement.
Looks great, although the WiFi icon being different to the others kinds of annoys me. Why didn’t you change it?
Didn’t consider it since it’s in the system tray, but now that you mention it I should change it.
Sorry for creating you a necessity 😅
Beautiful! I’m a few steps behind you rn haha