So, I’m looking for a career change since I’m probably going to move to a city of approx 200K people. What’s something that everyone needs either it’s simple or more complex?
Not interested in funeral services 😛
Do you really need 200,000 customers? Why not target something that enough people need to support you?
Like if you can find something 100 people in that city need, you’re fine.
It’s like the 80-20 rule i get it. I thought about this and I tend to believe that such professions are either niche or take much time to learn and apply eg Doctor.
If you’re willing to deal with the later costs on your body, learn a trade.
Plumber, electrician, HVAC. Everyone needs something serviced, it’s just getting your name out/getting with a good company. Bonus, these things can follow you anywhere. Big city to small townships.
Welding is another solid one. Good welders can be in high demand.
Again, be forewarned, take care of yourself now, and be ready for it to catch up with you down the line. It’s rough on your body.
Generally, any trade will always have good job security and decent pay. Trucking, maintenance (welder, electrician, plumber, or mechanic (diesel or heavy equipment, auto is usually over staffed) and HVAC) and accounting seem to have been the most reliable trades to find work over the last 20 years or so. Construction is very boom and bust. Medicine and maintenance are VERY short staffed currently, especially in rural areas.
In 2008 I chose trucking. Initial training was 6 weeks and cost me $10,000 USD back in 2008 followed by 3 months over the road with a trainer. Hate the job, but the pay is decent-ish (I’ve generally made between $55K and $75K), it doesn’t usually matter where you live and the few times I’ve found myself needing a new job I’ve been hired within 72 hours of applying for the position.
If you do go trucking, avoid any company with a Teamsters Union presence like the plague. Every Teamster I’ve met to date has been an complete and total self-important asshat and they seem to have a tendency to call strike just for the hell of it (Though they are payed well).
Any other union is probably fine.
If you want a valuable job that no sane customer wants to abuse, dentistry is an option.
So either long medicine study, or you are assistant of a doctor that does want to make you as much as possible
You said you needed something more immediate, I’d say there’s nothing wrong with being a waiter / waitress / bartender while learning something else. They’re not the most secure jobs for sure, but they’re not exactly going extinct.
Alternatively, hotel staff make a lot (at least a lot for the small town I grew up in).
If you’re looking for a trade skill - HVAC, plumbing and being a mechanic will all be skills that will stick with you through life and they all pay pretty well.
Truck driving is really, really in-demand right now. If you’re willing to drive 12-14 hours some days, shower at travel stops and sleep in your cab (at least, that’s what I’m hearing a lot) then that could be for you.
Garbage men. You can shut down a city pretty well by not collecting any garbage. But I hope you’re not in the USA. The way I hear it it’s mostly really hard dangerous manual labour in that backwards country.
I worked summers in high school with my town street maintenance department, shoveling asphalt in the Virginia heat and other assorted fun tasks.
One day the trash department was short a body and my boss volunteered me to help them for the day. It was the single hardest work day of my life, and we were done with our route by noon. I have no end of respect for the people that do that job.
In what country is it not?
I’m probably being ignorant because I don’t know whether there’s more to it, but Australian garbos drive a truck and control a big robot claw. They don’t need to actually touch the bins.
what is your goal? Are you planning on moving to a different city and employeer every year, or just want to settle down in aspecific place?
there are lots of jobs. However some places have specifit needs. Some jobs can be worked remote from anywhere. Some jobs depend on word of mouth so you can’t move after getting the skills.
Salespeople. I’m going to get downvoted for this, but there’s always good sales jobs for the right person.
Just one word: plastics.
Do you know any CAD? Civil is desperate for CAD drafters and designers. Doubled my pay. I design Substations now.
How much do you make? What were you doing before?
I make $62k, or $30/hr. Previously I was a veterinary hospital receptionist for years and years.
Look into the trades.
Rock solid employability, especially if you’re competent in self-employment.
You get to experience, 1st-hand, middle-class & upper-middle-class prejudice/contempt/denigration-programming, too
( which is useful karmically: many of us are unconsciously-wired to buy-into class-system-based-“validity”/status,
and facing into karma, or, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph said the same thing, “taking up one’s cross”, as a means of destroying the unconscious-ignorances that undermine our Eternities/Souls/CellsOfGod in THEIR evolution is strategically wise, see?
I don’t want my Soul/ChildOfGod EVER getting caught in some life due to its unconsciousness, ever again!
Rip the unconsciousness-rule “strategy” right out from the ground, you know?
I needed 7y of outright-homelessness to finally crack my unconscious-mind’s sticking-to-class-prejudice,
and I still haven’t ripped out all of the remnants,
but the core of it cracked a decade ago, and my life is free-er as a result, the Eternity I’m just a little participant in, is no longer “stuck on a rock, in the rapids” of Eternity/karma…
Facing into karma, as a means of freeing one’s Soul can be immensely empowering.
Also, smart tradespeople outcompete many, being able to make/earn their economic-autonomy much quicker than the “professional” rat-race/treadmill people do.
( partly that has to do with a good trade ticket taking only 1-2y, whereas a 4y university-degree is … worthless, economically, worse, it is tons-of-debt. )
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