I like the legacy plan I’m on. I don’t get netflix included - but I never use that anyway, and meanwhile I get more data for the same price.
A programmer with an interest in transit, making music, and building things of all types.
I have dysgraphia which makes writing difficult for me. I hope you can figure out what I mean despite my issues.
I like the legacy plan I’m on. I don’t get netflix included - but I never use that anyway, and meanwhile I get more data for the same price.
The romans made leap day Feburary 24th, and renumbered the days following that. So you are not asking the right question.
depends on many variables so there can never be a simple rule. Airlines want their planes full of paying customers is the real rule. They change prices based on how full each plane is. Sometimes a nearby city can be orth heading to for a much better deal.
Where I live eaectric is 100% wind. with that and solar many places have a significat renewable Part. Even in the worst case fossil fuels are 2 or 3 times more efficent than a car engine.
what is your goal? Are you planning on moving to a different city and employeer every year, or just want to settle down in aspecific place?
there are lots of jobs. However some places have specifit needs. Some jobs can be worked remote from anywhere. Some jobs depend on word of mouth so you can’t move after getting the skills.
Side one thinks Ketchup is spicy enough. The other side laughs at them, but they don’t understand how much spices hurt side one. This is genetic as far as I can tell - it isn’t just you get used to spices if fed them as a kid which side two seems to think.
Blaine’s farm and fleet brand. Cheapest clumping litter I ever found, dust free and unscented. It worked great.
Saddly I moved and now it isn’t convient to buy.
Chulka chuks https://www.chukachuks.com one more way I can pretend i’m a musician.
Fastmail does a great job for me. Spam isn’t a problem with legitimate email providers anymore.
@sheeEttin got it. The point is you turn on the shower.and let.it run while using the toilet.
There are a few choices.
Easiest is go just use the toilet before your shower and turn on the shower before you use the toilet. If you time it right this wouldn’t waste water.
Looks cleaner than my desk. Bet it feels good to work there
Hexgears with brown switches .better than rubber domes,and doesn’t disturb coworkers. I use a model m by choice, but often that isn’t socially allowed .
I’ve heard that story, but it doesn’t fit the facts. Bulb life and efficiency is a compromise and no conspiracy is needed for manufactures to all settle on a similar optimal compromise. Long life bulbs existed back in the day, they were sometimes useful but mostly not worth it.
You have to replace the door hinges and rollers a few times to get that life.
Forget about a camera, setup a local server to read the camera’s data and have that server send data to the internet. There are open source servers you can use, though I have not tested any so I won’t recommend one. Then have your firewall block the camera from the internet completely (you can open a hole to apply an update if you think an update would be helpful, just close it when the update is done).
The PineCube might be a useful camera for this, but AFAIK nobody has really written software for it. still it might be an option if you want to go through a lot of work.
I ask that of myself constantly.
I’m not looking intentionally, but I’ve been in several where the angles of how i’m turning corners (and missing doors or dividers) mean sometimes you cannot help but seeing someone else’s genitals. If you know that setup you can avoid it, but that is a conscious effort that is easy to forget to do since most are not setup that way.
We have a difference of values here. You should be asking a different question, how much do you adjust to someone with different values. You do not have a problem with single gender bathrooms, but some do. Leave it there and quit asking why, there is no answer you will accept anyway, and no particular reason to conclude your values are better.
Raid often comes with snapshots which can recover from your mistakes. Often the raid can even recover after malware encryhts your disk. you still need offline, offsite backups for the best protection but raid is still a useful part of your data safe