Well, it got the number of finger correct.
Conpwter repair & Insalltion 9s!
It is really weird how the AI seems to intentionally misspell most of the words. It doesn’t even seem to be mixing up languages, I really don’t understand the logic behind how the AI created this.
The Stable Diffusion algorithm is strange, and I’m surprised someone thought of it, and surprised it works.
IIRC it works like this: Stable Diffusion starts with an image of completely random noise. The idea is that the text prompt given to the model describes a hypothetical image where the noise was added. So, the model tries to “predict,” given the text, what the image would look like if it was denoised a little bit. It does this repeatedly until the image is fully denoised.
So, it’s very easy for the algorithm to make a “mistake” in one iteration by coloring the wrong pixels black. It’s unable to correct it’s mistake in later denoising iterations, and just fills in the pixels around it with what it thinks looks plausible. And, it can’t really “plan” ahead of time, it can only do one denoising operation at a time.
It doesn’t understand language. Its just producing something that looks like it superficially.
My Conpwuter is broken.
Ah good. I was looking for someone who can make kappees.
Calvin’s all grown up