I noticed in creative mode that there are eggs for spawning guardians and elder ones but there are no such mobs in ocean monuments in survival mode. So my question is: Is there proper ocean monument that looks like one in minecraft, and with guardians, or there is only this stracture that is much commoner, smaller and looks like hiv virus and has no guardiens…?
Thats exactly the case. If you visit the forums (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=16407 or https://wiki.minetest.net/Games/MineClone_2 ) or their git repos you will see that they’re working on a lot of stuff still. The game is still in development. You can help if you want to and make mods that add your favorite mob so it can be added by the devs who are working on solving bugs mostly.
I would love to help, but i dont have the skill to make mods… I noticed the nether fortress is much smaller and diferent than in minecraft even thou all blocks needed to make it are alredy in the game… And it seemed strange to me, so i had idea that meaby i could build the replica of minecrafts nether fortress and send that stracture to mineclone devs so they can implement it in the game 🤔 would that be possible…? 🤔 Also the same could be done for ocean monument (Atlantis as i call it XD) Because for example piliger outpost is bigger and better than in minecraft because it has varaities, its not alvause the same sometimes it can be wery tall tower and sometime it can be shorter but vider stracture. And other stractures are smaller and vorse than in minecraft, so it should be upgraded.
You can ask them if that helps. I did ask how I could help and they told me make mods.
Btw. nobody has the skill to make mods initially. If you decide to try, you will probably learn it quite easily and even learn a quite valuable skill on the way. Just a suggestion but I think „I dont have the skill“ isn’t a roadblock except if you have a learning disability (which would kind of question how you got on lemmy since its not the easiest to find, use and navigate).
Haha yea lemmy is a new discovery for me, and i love it. I found it on odysee from one youtuber Nick and his channel is linux experiment… i found mastodon and lemmy and fediverse in general thanks to him :) But he betrayed me with stoping to publish to odysee/lbry 🥲and now i dont even watch his videos that often… Regardless i do from time to time… Meaby i will try to lear coding its interesting but there is a lot to learn. Tnx for suggestion.
You‘re welcome! I think you have the right mindset (curious) to learn most things. Have you checked out peertube yet? Its a little rough around the edges but we‘re getting somewhere.
Also, modding is not coding, its a gateway. For example, modding could be making a texture pack for any game. That means you read and learn how a mod is packed (folder structure) and where to put textures. You change one prominent texture so you know immediately if it worked, install the mod, launch game, any errors? Correct texture displayed? Bam, you modded the game. Obviously you can then go and code complex mods but thats totally optional.
Good luck and feel free to update on your progress.
Thank you! Yes i did i used peertube a litlebit but i dont understand exactly how it works and what its all about so if you want to explain it would be interesting to here. Meaby i will try, im not that interested in textures, i would like to make mobs but that is a bit to complex…
I do like to explain things but this guy is far better at it than I am so maybe give him a short watch! :) https://peertube.giftedmc.com/w/hEB5G3YtWKWQZHgcj5zmAy
Tnx for link… Hmm interesting now i understand better what peertube is, its not very complicated if you understand mastodon and torrent. 😅 I think Lbry is more powerfull than peertube but its definitly a good thing and good place to be.
I dont think crypto is the future by any stretch of the imagination. The second issue I can imagine is companies keeping track of their products after sale which is very bad imo.