As seen in the image, in the past to download Mineclone2 I simply downloaded it from there, but I don’t see it available anymore, is there a reason?
I already downloaded the .zip and placed it in $HOME/.minetest/mods
and although it appears in the list of mods I can’t use it.
5.4.1 is 2 years old.
MineClone2 very very likely needs an up-to-date version of minetest.
It makes sense that the content manager doesn’t show you stuff that isn’t compatible with your minetest version.
MineClone2 0.84.0 needs minetest 5.5.1+
The last/only MineClone2 version compatible with your minetest version is MineClone2 0.76.0, which is roughly a year old.
Thank you. Makes sense, my distribution (KDE Neon) uses Ubuntu LTS which logically packages things at a slower cycle, and I had downloaded Minetest from the Ubuntu repositories.
You can alternatively install it via Flatpak or PPA.
Another thing:
There is also a specialized community for mcl2 !
Have you checked the other pages? It should be there
I’m on page 100 and I haven’t found it yet, but I really don’t need it anymore, I found a mod called “Amogus plushie” and I don’t need it anymore in my life. /s