A research centre to support China's push for nuclear fusion power has been approved. It will be able to test large superconducting magnets and filters under operational conditions.;
#HRC51 | Draft resolution A/HRC/51/L.6 on holding a debate on the situation of human rights in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of #China, was REJECTED.
I’m aware of what it is. I like to use it to learn about things that generally have agreement among internet users. Why do you think that your sources aren’t being used to edit the pages on WP? (Genuine question)
Why do you think that your sources aren’t being used to edit the pages on WP?
It’s self-evident why not: My sources run counter to the imperial core’s narrative. Specifically the United States government’s narrative. The US tried to foment division in China by funding and organizing terrorist cells in Xinjiang, and once those efforts failed, it concocted and promoted this genocide narrative. Antony Blinken is still pushing this slop, while aiding and abetting an actual genocide in Palestine.
We see here for example the evolution of public opinion in regards to China. In 2019, the ‘Uyghur genocide’ was broken by the media (Buzzfeed, of all outlets). In this story, we saw the machine I described up until now move in real time. Suddenly, newspapers, TV, websites were all flooded with stories about the ‘genocide’, all day, every day. People whom we’d never heard of before were brought in as experts — Adrian Zenz, to name just one; a man who does not even speak a word of Chinese.
Organizations were suddenly becoming very active and important. The World Uyghur Congress, a very serious-sounding NGO, is actually an NED Front operating out of Germany […]. From their official website, they declare themselves to be the sole legitimate representative of all Uyghurs — presumably not having asked Uyghurs in Xinjiang what they thought about that.
The WUC also has ties to the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary group in Turkey, through the father of their founder, Isa Yusuf Alptekin.
Documents came out from NGOs to further legitimize the media reporting. This is how a report from the very professional-sounding China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) came to exist. They claimed ‘up to 1.3 million’ Uyghurs were imprisoned in camps. What they didn’t say was how they got this number: they interviewed a total of 10 people from rural Xinjiang and asked them to estimate how many people might have been taken away. They then extrapolated the guesstimates they got and arrived at the 1.3 million figure.
Sanctions were enacted against China — Xinjiang cotton for example had trouble finding buyers after Western companies were pressured into boycotting it. Instead of helping fight against the purported genocide, this act actually made life more difficult for the people of Xinjiang who depend on this trade for their livelihood (as we all do depend on our skills to make a livelihood).
Any attempt China made to defend itself was met with more suspicion. They invited a UN delegation which was blocked by the US. The delegation eventually made it there, but three years later. The Arab League also visited Xinjiang and actually commended China on their policies — aimed at reducing terrorism through education and social integration, not through bombing like we tend to do in the West.
It runs counter to the genocide—“cultural” or otherwise—narrative, and counter to the “Han supremacy” narrative. The Uyghur people and other minority groups were excepted from China’s One-Child policy, and as a result the Uyghur population in Xinjiang has grown in proportion to the Han population. The Uyghur languages and religious* practices are protected and financially supported, not suppressed. People can go to Xinjiang and see for themselves. They can see & hear the languages in use and visit the mosques.
*The CPC is officially atheist, but their general policy on religion is tolerance, and an expectation that religions will eventually wither away on their own.
Seriously? A source on the authoritarianism of China? Oh idk, there’s the Great Firewall of China, um the whole Winnie the Pooh thing. Why don’t you go-to China and start posting “Fuck Xi” and see how quickly you get arrested. At least here I can say “Fuck Biden”, or Fuck Trump without worry.
Oh, I’m on .ml that explains everything so this’ll probably get removed to, can’t have the truth breaking through on .ml lmao
It’s silly to act like individual values are some sacred, unassailable thing gifted to everyone’s soul by the heavens, rather than something that came from a combination of inborn human traits and memories*, i.e. they are something that is contingent, changing, and in no way above being questioned.
It’s also silly to act like it makes sense to just have a blanket acceptance of something if it’s an “individual value” even though, when we look at the world, individual values can sometimes be extremely fucked up and we shouldn’t allow people who would enact those values to abuse with impunity.
*“memories” is simplistic, but I don’t think it is catastrophically so.
Your commune would be super lucky if it had anything because small communes (especially isolated sects “never trusting humanity”) are not the best places to make even things like glasses, not to mention atomic weaponry.
And poverty eradication. And high speed rail. And smartphone and chip tech, and space program… kind of a long list.
Not so bad at genocide either
China understander has entered the chat.
I notice no Wikipedia links in there 👀 Edit: my mistake there is one and I will reply separately
First of all, Wikipedia is not a primary source, and second of all, Meet Wikipedia’s Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Foundation’s regime-change operative CEO
(And third of all, there is a Wikipedia link in there.)
I’m aware of what it is. I like to use it to learn about things that generally have agreement among internet users. Why do you think that your sources aren’t being used to edit the pages on WP? (Genuine question)
Things that generally have agreement among internet users of Five Eyes countries, who are heavily influenced by the propaganda of imperial core states that are run by the capitalist class of those states.
Whether or not my sources are being used on Wikipedia hadn’t occurred to me. Why would it?
I am inviting you to consider this question!
It’s self-evident why not: My sources run counter to the imperial core’s narrative. Specifically the United States government’s narrative. The US tried to foment division in China by funding and organizing terrorist cells in Xinjiang, and once those efforts failed, it concocted and promoted this genocide narrative. Antony Blinken is still pushing this slop, while aiding and abetting an actual genocide in Palestine.
The blueprint of regime change operations
Ok so I did read about the affirmative action policy you linked, how does that support your argument?
It runs counter to the genocide—“cultural” or otherwise—narrative, and counter to the “Han supremacy” narrative. The Uyghur people and other minority groups were excepted from China’s One-Child policy, and as a result the Uyghur population in Xinjiang has grown in proportion to the Han population. The Uyghur languages and religious* practices are protected and financially supported, not suppressed. People can go to Xinjiang and see for themselves. They can see & hear the languages in use and visit the mosques.
*The CPC is officially atheist, but their general policy on religion is tolerance, and an expectation that religions will eventually wither away on their own.
He already said poverty eradication.
What on earth are you both talking about? How is eliminating poverty a genocide?
I was making a joke about things like the purge.
Don’t hurt westoid NPC too hard mate…
They are already in shambles as is due to Boeing falling a part before their eyes.
They don’t need the trains anyway, they prefer to sit in traffic or getting sexually abused while flying.
With that being said, fuck China and their ways.
Pretty good, if only their Government wasn’t so authoritarian with a habit of making people “disappear”
Seriously? A source on the authoritarianism of China? Oh idk, there’s the Great Firewall of China, um the whole Winnie the Pooh thing. Why don’t you go-to China and start posting “Fuck Xi” and see how quickly you get arrested. At least here I can say “Fuck Biden”, or Fuck Trump without worry.
Oh, I’m on .ml that explains everything so this’ll probably get removed to, can’t have the truth breaking through on .ml lmao
Okay so basic western supremacy, gotcha.
Redditors going from zero to rudyard kipling in 5 seconds.
If only we dissolved all nation states and lived in communes that best reflect everyones individual values.
Mine would have nukes, because I will never trust humanity, no matter how good things get.
It’s silly to act like individual values are some sacred, unassailable thing gifted to everyone’s soul by the heavens, rather than something that came from a combination of inborn human traits and memories*, i.e. they are something that is contingent, changing, and in no way above being questioned.
It’s also silly to act like it makes sense to just have a blanket acceptance of something if it’s an “individual value” even though, when we look at the world, individual values can sometimes be extremely fucked up and we shouldn’t allow people who would enact those values to abuse with impunity.
*“memories” is simplistic, but I don’t think it is catastrophically so.
Your commune would be super lucky if it had anything because small communes (especially isolated sects “never trusting humanity”) are not the best places to make even things like glasses, not to mention atomic weaponry.