I’m a 30 year old woman who’s only really played card and puzzle games on my phone. Im considering new hobbies. Is it worth trying to get into video games for the first time. Where would I even start.

  • 2ugly2live@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Oh, there are so many kinds!

    If you have a PC, why don’t you check out some free-to-play games on Stream? Or even a couple demos to see what you may like. I wouldn’t go straight into getting major equipment until you know a little more about what you like.

    My grandma has been playing video games since before I was born. Her tastes have changed as she’s gotten older, but there’s absolutely something for everyone.

    If you’re 100% a beginner, I may even go a step back to some flash games. Just to get used to moving around (if not using a controller) and some of the more common UI. There’s also a interesting series on YouTube called “gaming for non gamers” about a man and his wife who is trying out different genres. He goes over some things she misses just because she’s not used to it since some mechanics they just assume you know these days.

    And be easy in yourself! A new hobby always has some rough points. There will be bad games, matches, complete wastes of time. But there will be some truly remarks gems in there. Good luck!