Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024


  • A lot.

    The information was not hidden, he wasn’t even trying to hide it. It’s not like you had to read between the lines. Anyone who willingly voted for him is on my shit-list. I understand not liking Biden or Kamala, but I will never understand looking between them and Trump and thinking that, in any way, he would be the better alternative in any capacity. He is a facist, and even worse, he’s a dumb one. He’s easily entertained and influenced. He doesn’t care about anyone that isn’t him (or that he doesn’t want to fuck). He’s not president because he cares, he’s president because he can. I think anyone who voted for him was incredibly selfish, minimum. “He’s going to lower groceries.” Even if he did, is that worth it the oligarchy? Is it worth losing rights? Is it worth Palestine? Is it worth everything else increasing? Is it worth making way for a Dictator? Is it worth making a home for facists? Is it worth watching families be ripped apart?

    I would say no, but many of my countrymen disagreed.

  • I was a kid, I wanna say fifth grade? Anyway, I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive to my dad’s mom’s house. I hated both that woman and the house. We made it there around ten or so. Then my dad excused himself, like, a hour after we arrived, leaving my mom and me with his mom, who hated us both in equal measure for ruining her son’s life.

    He didn’t come back until well past midnight.

    I had fallen asleep in the couch and woke up to the fight in the living room. My mother was devastated, and hurt that he left us (he was our ride home), and that it was for drugs or whatever hood shit he was up to. Even after we packed up in the car, he made a pit stop to pick up some drugs for the road and my mother was sobbing in the car. I was trying to comfort but I made it worse, so I just held her hand from the back seat.

    They screamed and fought in the car for nearly an hour. I was terrified he was going to pull us into traffic because he was getting so angry. We ended up pulling over and my mom sobbed in the gas station parking lot, screaming at him to just give a fuck. He walked off to smoke and I was able to calm my my down because she could see I was freaking out and she loved me more than she hated him and calmed herself down in my behalf.

    The ride home was silent. We got home and it was nearly dawn. My mom made me a snack and then sent me to bed. I didn’t fall asleep for a few hours because I was worried he would do something to my mom. When I was sure he was out, I went to sleep.

    Highlight: They got me an Enya CD (don’t judge me) so the initial ride there was actually quite nice. My mom was actually very excited that morning. She was excited to have a family Christmas.

  • Start paying, even if it’s minimum payments.

    You want to be in good standing (if you aren’t already) before the changing of the guards. They will garnish your wages, and it’ll be worse than whatever you were gonna pay. It’ll so fuck up your credit. Check the interest and see if you can at least start tackling that if it’s not too egregious. Republicans are securely on the side of the loan companies and there a chance they’ll let them loose with the right bribe or two, and it make get worse before it gets any better.

    • Rombas. I had a knock off, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but it was just easier with a regular vacuum, and faster. I also feel like a normal vacuum, currently, does a better job
    • Streaming services. I got lazy, but them breaking apart everything into services has gotten me back to basic. Laptop and an HDMI I cord, I can handle the rest. 🏴‍☠️
    • Working. However, I recently changed departments, so that will keep me quiet for awhile.

  • Oh, there are so many kinds!

    If you have a PC, why don’t you check out some free-to-play games on Stream? Or even a couple demos to see what you may like. I wouldn’t go straight into getting major equipment until you know a little more about what you like.

    My grandma has been playing video games since before I was born. Her tastes have changed as she’s gotten older, but there’s absolutely something for everyone.

    If you’re 100% a beginner, I may even go a step back to some flash games. Just to get used to moving around (if not using a controller) and some of the more common UI. There’s also a interesting series on YouTube called “gaming for non gamers” about a man and his wife who is trying out different genres. He goes over some things she misses just because she’s not used to it since some mechanics they just assume you know these days.

    And be easy in yourself! A new hobby always has some rough points. There will be bad games, matches, complete wastes of time. But there will be some truly remarks gems in there. Good luck!

  • I’m assuming money is not an option?

    Learn shit. Painting class, cooking class, poetry, random community college shit. Hire a language tutor if I could. And I’d hire a personal trainer and chef, since I’d have time to try and work on myself. Maybe a coding boot camp if I can keep up, so I can come back with a whole new career. I think I’d make that my goal. Dabble in as many things as I can to see what I like. And I also just like learning random shit.

    When I have three months left, I’ll take a trip to visit all the places I’ve been interested in moving to. I’d hope to come back healthier and smarter, in some way.

    I would also leave myself two weeks to just be before I had to go back to real life.