Contrary to my distaste for them, but I wouldn’t mind advertisements now and then. By now and then, I mean, like once every other hour or if they’re displayed in a way that isn’t obstructing. Obviously that is not how they are these days.

I know companies need to still get out there and be known but I do not need to know that much and I don’t really care of your business if I have to hear, see and have spoken to me of it at every single turn. I would especially love it, if everything wasn’t a paywall to not see any.

Advertisements are just simply a disease.

    3 months ago

    Speaking on ads, they are definitely one of the leaders in this category.

    I can honestly say that there have been maybe a half-dozen or so ads I’ve encountered in my entire life span that introduced a product into my awareness, that I later looked into and decided to purchase.

    And for that microscopic amount of success for the advertisers, I have been exposed to tens of millions of ads over my life span (mid-40s now). All of those hammering on your mood and/or sanity, some worse than others, but every one a punch of annoyance.