Im having difficulty finding names I like. I need two - three names that roll off the tongue and wouldn’t be out of place with a long hyphenated surname.
No religious names
No surnames
No places
Nothing that rhymes with Aden
Upvote good suggestions otherwise post ones. Bonus points if it’s a sci-fi name.
Edit: lots of good suggestions, but I think I’m going with ‘Wash’.
Lemmy McLemmyface
OP may have made a tactical error asking this on the internet
There are no bad suggestions.
I see, I seem to have missed submitting mine then.
They aren’t leaving it to a vote though.
I hope this wins
- Not religious
- Not a surname
- Not a place
- Doesn’t rhyme with Aden
- Is a sci-fi name
The only issue little Megatron will ever face in life is the possibility of an Optimus Prime showing up some day, he’s otherwise right on the path to world domination, and who couldn’t love that? 😉
Our Savior Megatron is absolutely a religious name and blasphemy to name some fleshy lump with it.
Although, they’ll call him Meg for short
And Starscream for a younger brother
The Autobots still haven’t stopped Sunny Megatron so the kid will probably be ok.
We do live in a country with nice crinkley edges.
I’m very partial to early bronze age names.
If you look at the Sumerian or Elamite king lists, you really can’t go wrong.
Manishtushu is nearly the worst name i have ever seen. Kids would absolutely wreck that guy all the way to college.
People are going to make fun of the conqueror of Anshan, King of Kish, Ruler of Sumer and Akkad? That seems unlikely to me.
Man-ish tush-u. It aint hard to see why the kid would grow to hate his name.
He’ll have to get tough or die
Bill or George or anything but Manishtushu, I still hate that name!
deleted by creator
Y u no Ea-Nasir
As soon as I saw bronze age I thought of old Ea-Nasir, was very surprised he wasn’t the point of this reply.
If it’s a long complicated surname you can’t go wrong with a short simple first name. I’m gonna throw Sam into the ring, after our lord and saviour Samwise.
Gotta always go with the classics. Steve, Bob, Phil
My fav so far
I would either go with a easy to remember naming system, something like child_male_0000, or with a type 4 UUID, to avoid naming collisions.
Andrew, after me
Excellent suggestion your grace
My wife won’t let me use “Kaladin,” the name of one of my favorite characters from Brandon Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive series. But I think it’s an excellent name and has an easy nickname (Kal).
Call him something you can shorten to Kal. For example, my sister named her kid Callum, but they shorten it to Cal. I know it’s because my brother in law is a huge stormlight fan.
It sounds like a KDE program.
Spensa? Doomslug? (That one’s not the best kid name)
I hope you don’t go with your edit.
- Latitude
- Avalanche
- Glacier
Darker than I thought.
or Boruto if you’re already called Naruto
Doruto if their hyphenated last name is cool-ranch or nacho-cheese
Coruto if he has blue eyes
I wish my parents named me Tedward
I believe you have been watching too many Dr. Glaucomflecken videos, my friend.
I don’t know what that is, but now I feel like I should find out.
Update: I found it. I know nothing about being a doctor, but he’s still funny.
Hahaha, he’s great. Jimothy is one of his most common side characters. And he uses your naming convention for lots of his other side characters. Jimothy, Todrick, etc.
Agree with others who have suggested short names. Here’s 3, inspired by one guy!
(I appreciate that Paul is in the Bible, but still…)
Clarify “Paul” with an appropriate middle name.
Paul Muadib McPatronyn-Matronymovich
Paul: What do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon?
Stilgar: We call that one Muad’Dib.
Paul: Could I be known as Paul Muad’Dib?
Stilgar: You are Paul Muad’Dib!
Bless your heart!